Research Week 2022: 1st Annual Urban and Regional Planning Conference (URPC)

Research Week 2022

We are happy to announce the 1st Annual Urban and Regional Planning Conference (URPC) 2022 hosted by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, the University of Nairobi under the theme:

THEME: “Rethinking of Planning and Management of Rapid Urbanization Trends in Achieving Sustainable Development in Africa”

Urban and Regional Planning Conference (URPC) 2022 provides an international forum for the exchange of ideas and recent developments in research activities in Universities and industries on topical issues surrounding urban and regional planning across the Africa Region.

The Conference aims at bringing together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, activists, innovators, and students both local and international in the fields of Urban Planning, Urban Management, Development Studies, Real Estate, Architecture, Environmental Science, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering to share knowledge and experiences on topics that are timely and reflect the latest scientific advances in the areas covering the following sub-themes:

  1. Smart Urban Growth Opportunities.
  2. Urban Planning, Design and Development in the digital technology era.
  3. Human Settlement Planning and Renewable energy-based power systems.
  4. Technological advances in building technology.
  5. Advances in Electric and Smart Mobility.
  6. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Systems for sustainable connected settlements.
  7. Urban Agriculture and Food Security.
  8. Environmental and Water Resources Planning and Management.
  9. Innovative Technologies, Methods and Techniques in Urban Planning and management (digital connectivity, drones, cloud computing and internet of things, Decentralised energy systems and e-mobility etc).
  10. Technological and Governance Trends Impacting Built Environment: Professionals Knowledge and Practices.
  11. Blue Economy Planning and Development- Water-Land Interface Planning and Development Opportunities.
  12. Traffic Guidance and Forecast, Urban Traffic Control and Congestion.