Daniel Mutegi Giti was born on 21st November 1981 at Turima location of Tharaka Nithi county. He went to Turima Primary school in 1988, but repeated class eight due to lack of secondary school fees in 1996. In 1997, he joined Chogoria Boys High school and completed in 2000 with a B + (plus). Throughout primary and secondary school, he faced numerous challenges including lack of school fees. He joined Egerton University, Njoro campus in 2002 and graduated in 2007 with a 2nd class upper division BA Geography and Sociology. In 2013, he graduated with a Post Graduate Diploma in Housing Administration at the University of Nairobi, in 2016, he graduated with a Masters in Urban Management at the same university, and thereafter enrolled for Ph.D. in Urban Management. He had trained in various leadership & management courses like Strategic Leadership Development Programme (SLDP); Senior Management and International Project Management and Resource Mobilization.
He has 4 publications in peer reviewed journals: Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Emerald Publishing Limited; GeoJournal by Springer; Journal of Public Administration &Policy Research and Journal of Geography &Regional Planning. He has further published two articles in the IGLUS quarterly Journal, volume 6 of 2020 and two book chapters in in Centre for Democracy, Research & Development. He is currently, Principal Housing Officer at the State Department for Housing & Urban Development, where he is Head of Monitoring & Evaluation with Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP), a World Bank financed project.

Project Summary
Applicability of Public Private Partnerships in Down market Urban Housing in Kenya
Research Supervisors
Prof. Owiti K’Akumu, Dr. Edwin Oyaro Ondieki
The government of Kenya is duty-bound to provide decent, affordable, accessible, and quality housing for all Kenyans as provided in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya Vision 2030 and other international conventions and protocols, such as the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since independence, the country has grappled with the best strategies that can be employed to satisfy the huge demand for housing, which stands at 250,000 housing units per year, with supply being pegged at 50,000 p.a. Housing supply is complicated for housing low-income urban households. To address these challenges, collaborations and partnerships between public and private sectors and Public Private Partnerships have been proposed to address limited capital, expertise, managerial competencies, and technological applications. The research objective was to evaluate the applicability of PPPs in the development of down-market urban housing, determine the challenges facing its application and outline opportunities offered by the PPP model of procurement. Delphi methodology was utilized through three rounds of iterations involving 88 respondents in three panels comprising of housing practitioners, Financiers and developers.
It was discovered that structuring and aligning the interests of the players in PPPs makes it possible to apply the concept in the development and construction of down-market urban housing in Kenya, because there exists enabling environment for its application. Its application might face several challenges including financing, affordability and profit maximization drives, which can be addressed by development of common goals. The study concluded that PPPs are applicable in the sector with the right structuring.
https://www.emerald.com/insight/1366-4387.htm, DOI 10.1108/JFMPC-07-2019-0057; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10197-1; DOI: 10.1007/s10708-020-10197-1; http://www.academicjournals.org/JPAPR; http://www.academicjournals.org/JGRP