
Student Short Biography


Daisy is an Urban Development Specialist with a passion for sustainable urban growth. She holds a BA in Planning and an MA in Urban Management both from the University of Nairobi. Her 10 years’ experience has spanned delivery for the World Bank, the UN, GIZ, DFID, and local governments across Africa. With delivery in both spatial and policy assignments.  

Daisy’s work has entailed delivery of urban transport solutions, infrastructure planning, regional planning, slum upgrading, affordable housing, secondary city assessments with case studies in Kenya, Zambia and Ghana, urban planning at the County and National level, gap assessment for integrated land use planning, providing social and community support, land tenure, among other assignments.

Currently Daisy is a consultant working on World Bank assignments in Kenya and Somalia. Prior to joining the Triple Line team as a Principal, she worked in highly diverse leadership roles overseeing Urban Development teams at Cardno International Development, IPE Global and IDCG Engineering. As well as providing technical inputs in assignments such as the Integrated Strategic Urban Action Plans for Konza-Eastern By Pass Transport Corridor within Nairobi Metropolitan funded by the World Bank, she participated in the preparation of the LAPSSET Adjacent Lamu Port Metropolitan Area Structure Plan which entailed integrated development planning, and supported development of the GIZ and the City of Windhoek Bus Stop and Bus Shelter Strategy in Namibia.

Research Supervisors

Dr. Maurice. O. Oyugi

Dr. Omar Kassim

Project Summary

Thesis / Project  Title


Suburbanization is the effect of disproportional expansion of cities to accommodate increasing functions and populations due to push and pull factors. Suburbanization fosters complexities however, given its haphazard development. The overall objective of this study therefore is to evaluate the causes, challenges and mitigation measures of suburbanization, with a focus on Ruai in Nairobi. To achieve this, descriptive and correlational research designs were used. In-depth literature review was combined with primary data through field surveys, observation checklists, and questionnaire administration and key informant interviews supported this further. Analysis reveals factors of growth of Ruai include economic opportunities, relative affordability of land and property plus infrastructural advancements. Resulting challenges were found to include disjointed urban character and uncontrolled development; land fragmentation; and environmental impacts. Mitigation measures recommended are self-organization by suburban residents, active engagement in suburban improvement through suburban associations; inclusion in city planning and management frameworks to establish integrated urban plan mapping of suburban development; and self-governance.

Graduand unit
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduand Level
Graduand Convocation
Graduand MonthYear
September 2022
Graduand Programme
Master of Urban Management