Bonventure Musyoka Kaliti


Student Short Biography

Bonventure Kaliti is an Urban and Regional Planner. He holds Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning with IT) degree from Maseno University and has a keen interest in sustainable urban development.
He is currently a land use planner at the National Land Commission, Kenya.

Thesis / Project Title

SUSTAINABLE URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT: Case study of Athiriver Township, Mavoko Municipality.

Research Supervisors

Dr. Linda Gichuyia
Dr. Kassim Omar

Project Summary

Thesis / Project Abstract

The lack of a sustainable water supply in cities is a major issue that water service providers, planners, city managers, and policymakers must address. Athiriver town is no exception as it faces rapid urbanization, high population growth rate and inadequate water supply. The water resources which the town depends on are under stress and if the unsustainable use continues the town may experience water scarcity in future.
The aim of the study was to find solutions to challenges facing the management of water resources and its infrastructure in Athiriver town by evaluating water supply, water demand management, Non-revenue water and water governance in households and business.

The study established that MAVWASCO provides piped water in the town and its main sources of water is Kasuitu dam and
boreholes. The findings revealed that rain water harvesting and waste water recycling are not considered as alternative water
sources. In the informal settlements MAVWASCO use public water kiosk to provide water services. Non-revenue water is very high at
44% compared with WASREB sets standards of 20% annually.
The study concluded by recommending strategies for ensuring sustainable water supply in Athi river town, such as developing
alternative water sources like rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, aquifer recharging, and the construction of the proposed
Mto Mawe dam. Conducting water audit and leak detection programmes to reduce Non- revenue water. Promoting the use of
water saving technologies and behaviour change as water demand management strategies. Formulation of rain water harvesting, waste water reuse and aquifer recharge policies.

Graduand unit
Urban and Regional Planning
Graduand Level
Graduand Convocation
Graduand MonthYear
September 2022
Graduand Programme
Master of Urban Management